Son's and Daughter's of Hecate

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But a few of Hecate's day's of Honor.


Day’s of Hecate.

There are many day’s and moon phases associated with Hecate. Below are just a few.

August 13th Hecate is honored in Greece, for her storm aspect. Offerings would be left at the Crossroads ( honey cakes, mushrooms, black dogs) hoping to appease her so she wouldn’t bring crop destroying storms.


The Elusinian Mysteries, Around the 7th beginning with a procession, the festival would start in Eleusis and end in Athens. Hecate would lead the procession of initiates into the underworld.

September 21 Feast of Divine Life; Maiden , mother and Crone.(Greece)

October 31 Halloween / Samhain This is the night when the .

November 16th This is called Hecate’s Night. This is the night that she roams the earth with her hounds. This is also the night that new initiations are made for Witches who follow her. Hecate’s Supper is left out on the steps of her followers dwellings, usually consisting of honey and mushrooms. Hecate then blesses those inside.

November 30th Day of Hecate at the crossroads.

January 8 Midwife’s day (Greece) Hecate is the Divine Midwife.

January 31 Feast day of Hecate (Greece)

Hecate was honored monthly in Rome on the 29th The moon on this day was referred to as Hacate’s Moon.

Also Hecate is often honored during the new moon as well as the full and dark with rituals and offerings.



 We walk,

together in the labyrinth,

amongst the warm glow of the torch light.